We are sure you have heard of the phrase "quality over quantity”. While it's a generic phrase that works for a lot of things, there is no doubt that when it comes to fashion and creating a wardrobe, this phrase should be your motto. People usually think a good wardrobe is full of various dresses and accessories - that, in reality, can only be worn once. But when it comes to being stylish, this doesn't really help. In fact, what really helps is a wardrobe that is functional and practical and not just bulky.

The newest trend for everything says "less is more," which has entered the fashion industry very conveniently. Gone are the days when people bought a new dress and a matching pair of shoes for every different occasion. Today, we are more focused on creating new outfits from old pieces and minimizing the size of our wardrobes - which gave rise to the newest trend of capsule wardrobes.

While capsule wardrobes were first introduced in the 1970s, the concept hadn't caught the common eye until recent years. Capsule wardrobes are now more popular than ever, and if you also want to create a simple wardrobe for yourself this year, here's a guide for you.

What Really is a Capsule Wardrobe?

Since a capsule wardrobe is a fairly new concept for our new generation, chances are most people don't really know what a capsule wardrobe actually is. Well, basically, it is a wardrobe with a limited selection of easily interchangeable and thoughtfully curated clothing pieces that go well with each other as well as new fashion trends.

This means a capsule wardrobe is primarily composed of classic pieces featuring neutral colors and a small variety of items that almost never go out of fashion.

The concept of capsule wardrobe gained a lot of popularity due to many reasons, such as:

  • Helps you avoid decision-making fatigue
  • Is more sustainable and good for the environment
  • Makes it easier to afford fashionable items
  • Is less stressful to browse
  • No bulk to carry

How to Create a Capsule Wardrobe

If you want to create a capsule wardrobe for your upcoming year, here are some steps that you can take.

· Step 1: Audit Your Current Wardrobe and De-clutter

The first step to creating your capsule wardrobe is to audit your current wardrobe; you need to see what you have, to understand what you need to add to it and what you must remove. When it comes to a capsule wardrobe, you must know that you will have to stick to basics. Hence, anything that it:

  • Doesn’t fit
  • Doesn’t work with your body type or skin tone
  • You do like it but have anyway
  • Stained or damaged
  • Has duplicates
  • Doesn’t fit the basic, classic capsule theme

Will have to be donated or sold, thrown because they can be a part of your capsule wardrobe.

· Step 2: Plan Your New Wardrobe

Once your wardrobe is free of all the clutter and items that you will not need, it's time to plan your new wardrobe. Now this works in two stages: first, you will have to see what you are left with, and then you will have to make a list of what else you need. For example, chances are you will be left with a few pants, neutral-colored shirts, and tank tops that can work in your new wardrobe as well, so you will let them sit.

For the second part, it's best to make a list of the times you will need, set your budget and start shopping. Always remember, a capsule wardrobe was introduced to help you save space and money - so do not look for expensive stuff. Instead, look for women's designer shoes on sale and designer tops on sale that you can buy at affordable prices and add to your wardrobe.

 One tip that can help you here is making categories and shopping accordingly - for example; you can divide your items into categories like tops, tank tops, bottoms, shoes, handbags, and jewelry.

What to Add to Your Capsule Wardrobe for 2023

Creating a capsule wardrobe is more challenging than it seems; it requires a lot of thinking, planning, and experimenting until you know what works for you. But if you have done the steps mentioned above, it can get fairly easier for you - plus, the fashion trends for the year 2023 make it even easier to create a capsule wardrobe. If you want a capsule wardrobe for the upcoming year, here's what you need to invest in.

· Basic Tees

Nothing can go wrong with a basic tee - in fact, these days; they have become a fashion statement, given you can accessorize them well. Basic tees are no longer part of the casual category, they have been upgraded, and you can now make casual, fancy, and formal outfits using just a basic tee.

Keep it simple for casual, accessorize it with a statement jewelry piece for fancy and wear a blazer on top for formal! So make sure your wardrobe has at least a white, black and beige t-shirt - but there's no harm in adding more neutral shades here.

· Bottoms

Loose and straight pants are in fashion, and you need good bottoms to enhance any outfit. This year invest in neutral-toned dressy bottoms. You can either get a few long skirts or black and beige trousers that can go with any outfit. Remember, one loose fit of jeans and pants can go a long way.

· Jackets

Jackets are not just for winter; they are also a great accessory to improve your look. But for a capsule wardrobe, you don't need multiple jackets 2-3 pieces to rear over your tops, or your dresses are more than enough. In our opinion, you should have one denim jacket that can go with mid-length dresses in neutral colors or white tees. And a blazer in either beige or black for your formal outfits - you can buy both too, just make sure not to spend so much in this category.

· Shoes

Trust us when we say this, you only need 3 to 4 pairs of shoes. One pair of white sneakers can go a long way; you can literally pair them with kinds of outfits, and this is why they are the most popular footwear for the upcoming year.

Other than that, you only need either a pair of everyday boots or a pair of mules that are comfortable and go with most outfits. You can keep them in the color tan or beige so they can maximize your outfits. Lastly, you need a pair of black heels that you can wear with your fancy dresses or your former outfits.

Shop at Swap Boutique

Do you see how easy it is to create a capsule wardrobe when you know what you are looking for? Hence, if you want to create a capsule wardrobe for the new year, all you need is a little planning and decluttering - and you will love how lightweight and easy to browse your closet is. And if you don't know where to begin shopping, you can shop luxury designer dresses online at Swap Boutique. Here, you can buy women's designer shoes online and find designer clothes on sale, too!


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