Consignment stores are a popular destination for those looking to sell their unwanted merchandise. Consignment stores allow individuals to sell their gently used items, including clothing, accessories, and home decor, while earning a percentage of the sale price.

While consignment shops can be an excellent option for those looking to clear out their closets or make some extra cash, there are some important dos and don'ts to remember to ensure a successful consignment experience.

In this blog post, we'll explore the dos and don'ts of selling merchandise at consignment stores.

Do research the consignment store before you sell

Before deciding on a consignment store to sell your merchandise, it's important to research the store to ensure it's a good fit for your items. Look for a consignment store that specializes in the types of items you're looking to sell. For example, if you're selling women’s designer clothing, you may want to look for a consignment store specializing in high-end fashion. Additionally, research the store's policies, commission rates, and payment schedules to ensure you're comfortable with the terms of the consignment agreement.

Do make sure your merchandise is clean and in good condition

Consignment stores only accept items in good condition, so it's important to ensure your merchandise is clean and free of defects. Wash and iron clothes, clean and polish jewelry, and dust and wipe down any home decor items before bringing them to the consignment store. Additionally, ensure all items are in good working order and have all necessary parts.

Do price your items competitively

 A pair of shoes and a purse laid out on a white background

Consignment stores typically take a percentage of the sale price, so it's important to price your items competitively to ensure they sell. Do some research to determine the market value of your items and price them accordingly. Additionally, consider offering a discount for items that have been in the store for a certain period of time to encourage sales.

Don't bring items that are not in good condition

Consignment stores only accept items that are in good condition, so it's important to ensure your merchandise is clean and free of any defects. Items that are stained, torn, or damaged in any way will not be accepted. If you're unsure whether an item is acceptable, it's best to err on the side of caution and not bring it to the store.

Don't overprice your items

While it's important to price your items competitively, it's equally important not to overprice them. Luxury consignment stores typically take a percentage of the sale price, so overpricing your items may result in them not selling.

Don't forget to retrieve unsold items

If your items do not sell, it's important to retrieve them from the consignment store within the timeframe specified in the consignment agreement. Failure to retrieve unsold items may result in the consignment store taking ownership of the items or donating them to charity.


Now that you understand how consignment store selling works, are you looking for a place where you can sell your belongings? Check out Swap Boutique, a luxury consignment store online, for some of the best opportunities.

You can sell a combination of designer shoes, designer tops, or other accessories online. Get in touch with our team for more information.

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